UIUC Grainger School of Engineering, Champaign, IL
The Riverside Research Applied Mathematics and Physics (AMPS) team is recruiting 2025 interns and full-time staff who have backgrounds in physics, electrical engineering, computer science, or computer engineering. The AMPS team provides customers with research and development (R&D) of new techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in defense industry computational electromagnetics (CEM), radio frequency (RF) analysis, and experimental plasma physics.
Rob Denz, VP of the Riverside Research Open Innovation Center, is recruiting 2025 interns and full-time staff with backgrounds in cryptography, systems security, vulnerability analysis research, AI/ML, data science, neuroscience, cognitive science, and those with strong programming skills. Stop by our booth to learn how you can join our team of industry experts.
Riverside Research is an independent National Security Nonprofit dedicated to research and development in the national interest. We provide high-end technical services, research and development, and prototype solutions to some of the country’s most challenging technical problems.
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