Academic Papers

Providing Predictions of Adversary Movements in a Gridworld Environment to a Human-Machine Team


Knowing the future states of an adversary in an adversary-avoidance game can impart a survival advantage. To assess how predictive modeling helps agents achieve goals and avoid adversaries, we tested the efficacy of three predictive algorithms within a gridworld-based game. For one predictive algorithm, model predictions of adversary moves furnished to an agent helped the agent avoid capture compared to a case without predictions. A human-machine team scenario also benefited from model predictions, while humans alone experienced a ceiling effect. We investigated the efficacy of two additional predictive algorithms and present a maritime vessel pursuit scenario.

  • Year: 2023
  • Category: Artificial Intelligence
  • Tag: Human-machine Teaming, Theory of Mind Modeling; Cognitive Modeling
  • Author: Jeffry A. Coady, Paul Dysart, Aidan Schumann, Stephan A. Koehler, Michael J. Munje, William Casebeer, David M. Huberdeau
  • Released: SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications V

Featured Riverside Research Author(s)

Jeffry A. Coady

Jeffry A. Coady

Stephan A. Koehler

Stephan A. Koehler

The above listed authors are current or former employees of Riverside Research. Authors affiliated with other institutions are listed on the full paper. It is the responsibility of the author to list material disclosures in each paper, where applicable – they are not listed here. This academic papers directory is published in accordance with federal guidance to make public and available academic research funded by the federal government.