Academic Papers

A Recompressed Nested Cross Approximation for Electrically Large Bodies


A recompressed nested cross approximation (rNCA) based closely on the recent fast nested cross approximation (fNCA) algorithm is formulated in this article. The proposed method builds on previous work in which the fNCA was formulated in a purely algebraic and kernel-independent fashion, using a top-down recursive application of the adaptive crossapproximation (ACA). Our proposed method employs ACA recompression to avoid the need to compute low-rank approximations of excessively large far-field matrices and thus mitigates the effects of high-frequency rank growth on run-time scaling for electrically large models. The low run-time and memory cost allows for efficient parallel computation of H2-matrices for systems of excessive electrical sizes. Radar cross sections (RCSs) are evaluated for electrically large instances of a perfectly conducting sphere and the NASA Almond. We observe nearlinear scaling of memory cost and construction time.

  • Year: 2023
  • Tag: Computational Electromagnetics, Boundary Integral Equations, Linear Algebra, Radar Cross Section (RCS)
  • Author: Nathan M. Parzuchowski, Brenton Hall, Isroel M. Mandel, Ian Holloway, Eli Lansey
  • Released: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 71, No. 3,

Featured Riverside Research Author(s)

Nathan M. Parzuchowski

Nathan M. Parzuchowski

Brenton Hall

Brenton Hall

Ian Holloway

Ian Holloway

Eli Lansey

Eli Lansey

The above listed authors are current or former employees of Riverside Research. Authors affiliated with other institutions are listed on the full paper. It is the responsibility of the author to list material disclosures in each paper, where applicable – they are not listed here. This academic papers directory is published in accordance with federal guidance to make public and available academic research funded by the federal government.