We experimentally demonstrate that THz imaging can provide virtually unimpaired visibility through a dense dust environment that would otherwise result in zero visibility under conventional optical imaging. This work highlights a technological solution to a long-standing problem experienced by conventional optical imaging in brownout conditions.
Dr. Daniel Heligman is a research engineer in the Open Innovations Center's Optics/RF group. He received his B.S in general physics at University of Central Florida and his doctorate in physics at The Ohio State University. His main focus is in optics with a specialization in THz spectroscopy.
LinkedINDr. Rajind Mendis is a senior research scientist in the OIC and has been with Riverside Research since 2019. Prior to joining Riverside Research, he was a Research Professor at Brown University, and has over 27 years of research experience in THz science and technology.
LinkedINThe above listed authors are current or former employees of Riverside Research. Authors affiliated with other institutions are listed on the full paper. It is the responsibility of the author to list material disclosures in each paper, where applicable – they are not listed here. This academic papers directory is published in accordance with federal guidance to make public and available academic research funded by the federal government.