Pre-order the Textbook Now
As an accredited provider of intelligence education and a leading technical advisor in the development and application of full-spectrum GEOINT capabilities, Riverside Research is thrilled to bring this much-needed resource to the GEOINT community.
This valuable resource is available for pre-order at Faculty, staff, students, and personnel across the spectrum of academia, government, and industry can now take advantage of this unique, technical reference.
Pre-release versions of the text debuted at previous US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) GEOINT symposiums, where it garnered attention and enthusiasm from many GEOINT professionals. Most notably, USGIF CEO Keith Masback, USGIF Board of Directors’ Chairman Jeffrey Harris, and Advanced Technical Intelligence Association Executive Director Hon. Jim Longley, Jr. have praised its content and composition.
“[The Phenomenology of Intelligence-focused Remote Sensing] represents a truly meaningful milestone in the evolution of teaching the technical components of GEOINT phenomenology,” said Masback. “It is fully comprehensive, yet written in a readily understood, engaging style. This text should be part of every GEOINT professional’s library and will serve as a superb basic or applied remote sensing reference.”
Authored by Riverside Research senior technical experts, Drs. Howard Evans and James Lange, with Dr. James Schmitz under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with AFIT, this graduate-level text is the first to include phenomenology, sensors, and intelligence applications under one cover. By pooling their collective knowledge, which spans over three decades of specialized instruction in electro-optical remote sensing technologies and geospatial applications, Riverside Research senior technical experts thoroughly discuss all the necessary elements of spatial, spectral, and temporal signature collection in the visible and infrared.
To learn more about The Phenomenology of Intelligence-focused Remote Sensing or place an order, visit Proceeds will fund the Ken Miller Scholarship for Advanced Remote Sensing Applications, created in partnership with USGIF.
More about the textbook
The Phenomenology of Intelligence-focused Remote Sensing thoroughly discusses all the necessary elements of spatial, spectral, and temporal signature collection in the visible and infrared, including non-literal imagery interpretation, thermal, reflective, and polarimetric target characterization, radiative transfer, advanced technical intelligence collection systems, and data processing, analysis, and exploitation techniques. The textbook was authored and published with funding from the Riverside Research Independent Research and Development program.
About the Air Force Institute of Technology
The Air Force Institute of Technology, or AFIT, is the Air Force’s graduate school of engineering and management as well as its institution for technical professional continuing education. A component of Air University and Air Education and Training Command, AFIT is committed to providing defense-focused graduate and professional continuing education and research to sustain the technological supremacy of America’s air and space forces.