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President Annas provided details about the company’s recently released textbook, The Phenomenology of Intelligence-focused Remote Sensing and explained how the groundbreaking textbook will benefit the GEOINT community and future GEOINT professionals.
“This is an academic book, first and foremost, for the remote sensing community and intelligence professionals,” said Annas. “It is a graduate-level program and it offers a combination of phenomenology, new sensor technology, and potential intelligence applications. So, there is a wide audience it can support and it’s really a workforce development book.”
Riverside Research and USGIF have partnered to create the Ken Miller Scholarship for Advanced Remote Sensing Applications. Funded by sales of the Riverside Research-authored textbook, this scholarship will benefit students pursuing degrees in intelligence-related disciplines.
Masback spoke about USGIF’s well-established scholarship program, which has been advancing the educations of intelligence students since the foundation’s inception twelve years ago. Throughout the lifetime of the program, USGIF has awarded over $800,000 in scholarships.
“To partner with a great institution like Riverside [Research], with their rich heritage and history, really is the best the foundation has to offer,” said Masback. “We are richer; we are stronger as an organization when our member organizations partner with us to do things. So, the ability to have some of the revenue that comes from this textbook go to our scholarship fund and endow a scholarship for someone studying remote sensing is a phenomenal opportunity.”
Masback also addressed the industry’s need for qualified intelligence personnel and expounded upon the organization’s Universal GEOINT Certification, which will be offered for the first time this fall. This certification extends the organization’s long history of workforce development by providing a professional certification and continuing education opportunity for GEOINT professionals. The Phenomenology of Intelligence-focused Remote Sensing will serve as a key resource as USGIF continues to develop the Universal GEOINT Certification and provide other education and training opportunities.
More about the textbook
The Phenomenology of Intelligence-focused Remote Sensing thoroughly discusses all the necessary elements of spatial, spectral, and temporal signature collection in the visible and infrared, including non-literal imagery interpretation, thermal, reflective, and polarimetric target characterization, radiative transfer, advanced technical intelligence collection systems, and data processing, analysis, and exploitation techniques. The textbook was authored and published with funding from the Riverside Research Independent Research and Development program. Visit to order your copy.