
Riverside Research Helps Interns Grow Careers

Apr 19, 2023

Riverside Research has a stated goal of engaging technical talent on a research-based undergraduate and graduate level, with hopes of recruiting and retaining this top talent as part of its destination company strategy.

Riverside Research Helps Interns Grow Careers -

“Riverside Research prides itself on our internship program that pairs rising scientists with our research staff. As part of our internship program, we guide our interns through the publishing process as the first author on an academic paper. Thus, providing them an invaluable skill early in their rising careers,” said Scott Brookes, Principal Scientist, intern mentor, and Principal Investigator of the Internal Research and Development (IRAD).

“It's a remarkable experience for me, as an undergraduate student, to take such an active role in the type of research we do at Riverside Research,” commented Michael Shepherd, Riverside Research Intern. “Working with the awesome people at Riverside Research was an amazingly fulfilling, if somewhat surreal, experience that I’m grateful to have been able to have while in school.”

Riverside Research’s commitment to lifelong mentorship and career-building is exemplified by the Secure & Resilient Solutions team’s work to help Shepherd obtain a scholarship to the International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS) and to encourage him to build his resume with first authorship on the published paper. Culture, communication, and mentorship are cornerstones of inclusion at Riverside Research.

Riverside Research seeks more talent in this area of research, at the intern level and beyond. If you’re interested in cyberwarfare, cybersecurity, and secure systems, check the Riverside Research Careers page for opportunities at the organization’s Open Innovation Center and across the organization.